This is why I wouldn’t want immortality

Not to mention the fact that eventually the Sun is going to explode.


I’ve lost track

I’ve lost track of how many states have gained more freedom over the past year. Idaho is one of the latest:

A federal judge who struck down Idaho’s ban on gay marriage as unconstitutional denied a bid by the conservative state’s governor on Wednesday for a stay of the decision while Idaho pursues an appeal of the case.

The governor, Republican C.L. “Butch” Otter, called the ruling “regrettable” and vowed to petition a higher court to keep the state’s gay marriage prohibition intact until the case has run its course through the judicial system.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Candy Dale overturned Idaho’s ban on same-sex matrimony on Tuesday, saying it relegated gay and lesbian couples to second-class status in violation of constitutional guarantees of equal protection under the law.

Her decision was the latest in a recent flurry of opinions by federal judges striking down restrictions on same-sex marriage in states across the country – from Utah to Virginia.

It’s only a matter of time.

Thought of the day

It looks like Monica Lewinsky is back in the news for some reason. I can only be thankful that the worst offender when it comes to bad Clinton-sex jokes – Jay Leno – has retired.

(By the way, there are no good Clinton-sex jokes. They stopped being funny after about a month. So now that we’re 15 years after the fact, can we please stop?)